Red Mars Digital
Chasing Shadows
A portfolio website for a London-based photographer.
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The client had a clear concept in mind, with a sleek and minimal layout, and for the content of the site to be split in two distinct, self-contained sections.
The first of these would display her nature and travel photography, the second her gig and fashion photography. These two halves were to be visually distinct but consistent, with visitors to one section not necessarily needing to be aware of the existence of the other.
The final design delivered this using a discreet button in the bottom-right of the browser window to toggle between the two sections of the site, switching the theme from black-on-white (nature and travel galleries) to white-on-black (music and fashion galleries).
The site was built on Node and Express foundations, using jQuery, Bootstrap and Masonry on the front-end.

Next project: Edutainment Console