Red Mars Digital
The Lakeland Wildlife Oasis website
A full-stack website, API and server hosting for a small zoo in Cumbria.
After producing some on-site interactive kiosks for the Lakeland Wildlife Oasis, in late 2019 I took on the bigger challenge of building a new website to replace the existing, somewhat aged and malfunctioning, Wordpress site.
Not limited just to producing a new front-end website, the brief also included:
- Ability for users to purchase animal adoption packs
- Ability for users to advance-book 'animal experiences', with limited daily availability
- A secure 'admin panel' allowing centre staff to view and update customer bookings
- Basic CMS functionality allowing centre staff to add news stories and special events
- Paypal integration
- Automated email integration
- Design, UX, UI and other creative decisions, in keeping with the zoo's existing in-house design principles
- Server and database provision
- All ongoing administration, maintenance and technical support
...so all told, a pretty big assignment!
After first pulling together an early prototype using jQuery and older web technologies, the final front-end was built in the absolutely fantastic Vue.js framework NuxtJS - which I have to say has won me over entirely. A truly superb tool that I would recommend very highly indeed and will need a very good reason not to use for future projects!
The site was successfully launched in late March 2020.

Previous project: The Deadly Dungeons of Baron Backslash